Space Day at Spark! Imagination and Science Center

Come to Spark! Imagination and Science Center’s Annual Space Day Event on Saturday, March 18, 2017 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Mountaineer Mall.
Children and adults can enjoy a tour of the constellations in the NASA StarLab planetarium and space related hands-on science activities and crafts. Look through an Infrared camera and learn how astronomers use IR, investigate an ice orb to learn how NASA scientists are investigating “icy worlds”, feel like you are walking through space with virtual reality goggles, and much more. Many of the activities were created by the National Informal STEM Education Network.
“Space Day is an amazing opportunity for children and adults to experience hands-on demonstrations and activities about outer space,” says Julie Bryan, Executive Director of Spark! Imagination and Science Center.
This year, Space Day will have a new “ask a scientist” table. Professor Paul Cassak from the Physics and Astronomy Department of West Virginia University will be at Space Day to answer all your space-related questions.
Tickets for Space Day are $5 per child, free for adults for Spark members or $5 per person for nonmembers. Admission includes all activities, admission to the planetarium show, and admission to the museum. Children must be accompanied by adults.
Space Day is sponsored by West Virginia University Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.